Erotic Massage: What to do and what not to do?

Massage is an efficient technique for foreplay that helps you arouses as well as relaxes your partner to lead to a perfect sexual encounter together. Erotic massage doesn’t necessarily need to lead up to sex, but this massage technique is essentially a way to relax your sexual organs and boost self-confidence. Now that you know what an erotic massage is. Let’s understand the basics of this process. Massage is a technique that requires quite a lot of practice without which it can turn into a nightmare which agitates you instead of relaxing.

Things to do and not to do

Develop the right set-up:
A good erotic massage needs the right kind of environment. Without the right things at the right place, one might not at all enjoy the benefits of the same. A perfect sensual massage Sydney city provides comprises of dim lights, scented candles, and soft relaxing music. Make sure the surroundings are noise free. A noise free room helps one relax and let go of the tension. Instrumental melodies are the best in this aspect. They disconnect you from the worldly attachments that can be the ultimate cause of stress.

Practice strokes:

Before you go ahead and start massaging your partner, make sure you understand at least the basic patterns and strokes of a good erotic massage. Jump-starting any technique without knowing the right way can hamper the body in ways one cannot fathom. Keep it light and gentle. Avoid placing any stress on the body that can be the cause of injury. Erotic full body massage needs to involve sensual strokes along with appropriate stimulation.

Use good products:

Even if you are a master at strokes and patterns of an erotic massage, it won’t be beneficial unless you use products that are good. Do not use products that can emit a foul smell or products that your partner might be allergic to. Using oils with aroma is a soul-lifting experience, but one with too strong aroma can cancel the good effects of the massage and cause irritation and stress.

Do not rush:

Massage isn’t something that can be rushed. To relax a body, you need to give it some time. Here you can easily see the difference between foreplay and erotic massage. With foreplay, the sole focus is on the genitals, but with erotic massage, the whole body is involved which includes places like back, neck and many other areas which are also a part of the erogenous zones.


Before you begin with the massage, try to understand your partner’s needs and demands. Ask him questions like the places he doesn’t want to be touched because you don’t want them to be startled once the massage begins. This will negate all the positive effects of a good erotic massage. Wait for your partner to respond to your actions. This will help him relax more and more as he gets comfortable in the environment and it is no longer an awkward feeling for him.


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